50-30-20 Rule to health and Wellness

50-30-20 Rule to health and Wellness

Recently, I was glad to have met a long-time friend of mine at a coffeeshop in Singapore.

During our conversation, he noticed that I have maintained myself well and wanted to know how I did it since he had gone through 2 heart by-pass surgeries over the last 10 years.

July 04, 2024 — Victoria Rose
Why is the Hip Important to Our Wellbeing?

Why is the Hip Important to Our Wellbeing?

The hip is crucial to our wellbeing for several reasons:

Mobility and Stability: The hip joint is one of the largest weight-bearing joints in the body and plays a significant role in mobility and stability. It allows us to walk, run, jump, and perform various daily activities with ease.

June 11, 2024 — Victoria Rose
Why 30 Seconds?

Why 30 Seconds?

Most people do not hold their final yoga pose for at least 30 seconds.

In fact, most yoga instructors do not know the importance of holding each final pose for at least 30 seconds. They would just go from one pose to another very quickly. They call this a "FLOW."
March 25, 2024 — Victoria Rose


Can yoga help reduce fat and weight loss? This is a question that I ask myself on countless occasions.
March 25, 2024 — Victoria Rose
Good Breathing vs Poor Breathing

Good Breathing vs Poor Breathing

The quality of our life depends largely on the quality and efficiency of our breathing.

How we breathe influences every cell in our body and they in turn influences how our body and organs function.
March 25, 2024 — Victoria Rose
Are You Over-Fat or Over-Weight?

Are You Over-Fat or Over-Weight?

The most commonly used and accepted measure of whether or not you are overweight is the Body Mass Index (BMI).
March 25, 2024 — Victoria Rose
Slow Change is Permanent Change

Slow Change is Permanent Change

It would be really nice if we could make major life changes with little effort and willpower.

When we set big goals that require sudden or drastic changes to our daily lives, we set ourselves up for failures, frustrations, and disappointments.
March 25, 2024 — Victoria Rose
Begin From Where You ARE...

Begin From Where You ARE...

When we go into a yoga posture or carry out a movement that feels tense or tight, it is difficult to notice anything besides that tension that you feel.
March 25, 2024 — Victoria Rose
Tags: Yoga
Setting Your Intention

Setting Your Intention

Did you know that setting your intention at the beginning of your yoga class helps build your awareness about your current state of mind on the mat?

Personally, I have been to many yoga classes to experience the feel of how other yoga instructors run their classes.

July 26, 2023 — Victoria Rose
5 Wonderful Benefits of Water

5 Wonderful Benefits of Water

We all know we need water to survive, and we feel a lot better when we drink it regularly. But what’s really at play in the body when we sip H2O?
July 12, 2023 — Victoria Rose
Healthy Habits Vs Quick-fix Solutions

Healthy Habits Vs Quick-fix Solutions

When it comes to health and wellness. Most of us will go for the quick-fix solutions like extreme dieting, or Botox. We are always in a hurry to look beautiful and fit.
April 24, 2023 — Victoria Rose
5 Traits of a Good Yoga Teacher

5 Traits of a Good Yoga Teacher

Below are the 5 traits of what I think represent a good Yoga teacher. While these are my recent experiences from my visits to some Yoga studios and classes, I hope the essence of this article would help demonstrate what a good Yoga teacher is all about.
February 22, 2023 — Victoria Rose
Tags: Yoga