Good Breathing vs Poor Breathing

Good Breathing vs Poor Breathing

The quality of our life depends largely on the quality and efficiency of our breathing.

How we breathe influences every cell in our body and they in turn influences how our body and organs function.
March 25, 2024 — Victoria Rose
Many Do Yoga, Few Live Yoga.

Many Do Yoga, Few Live Yoga.

Many people has regarded yoga as a form of exercise or stretching routine.

While it is true that yoga can make you perspire and increase your heart rate, it is more than an exercise or stretching routine.
March 25, 2024 — Victoria Rose
Healthy Habits Vs Quick-fix Solutions

Healthy Habits Vs Quick-fix Solutions

When it comes to health and wellness. Most of us will go for the quick-fix solutions like extreme dieting, or Botox. We are always in a hurry to look beautiful and fit.
April 24, 2023 — Victoria Rose