The Path Less Travelled

The Path Less Travelled

Most people like to take the same path as everyone else.

Be it in your career, in your travels, or in starting a new business. We want to be sure. We cannot afford to lose it all.
March 25, 2024 — Victoria Rose
Setting Your Intention

Setting Your Intention

Did you know that setting your intention at the beginning of your yoga class helps build your awareness about your current state of mind on the mat?

Personally, I have been to many yoga classes to experience the feel of how other yoga instructors run their classes.

July 26, 2023 — Victoria Rose
Healthy Habits Vs Quick-fix Solutions

Healthy Habits Vs Quick-fix Solutions

When it comes to health and wellness. Most of us will go for the quick-fix solutions like extreme dieting, or Botox. We are always in a hurry to look beautiful and fit.
April 24, 2023 — Victoria Rose
Kill Your Self-Defeating Beliefs

Kill Your Self-Defeating Beliefs

All of us have beliefs that get in our way to live a better, healthier, and happier life. These beliefs may come from our past experiences since our childhood days, or they may come from people we respect and trust, or they even come from books that we read (be careful of what you read).
February 27, 2023 — Victoria Rose
Is Jogging the Answer to Weight Loss?

Is Jogging the Answer to Weight Loss?

Many people I know who want to lose some weight will inevitably think of jogging as a method cardio exercise to lose those unwanted kilos.
February 01, 2023 — Victoria Rose
What is Hatha Yoga?

What is Hatha Yoga?

People tend to think of yoga as a form of physical exercises or poses (a.k.a. Asanas) and breathing techniques (a.k.a. Pranayama). I believe there is more.
January 25, 2023 — Victoria Rose