Yoga for Spine Disorders

The following are the 3 (Three) most common spine curvature disorders in Singapore and across the world.

Lordosis: Lordosis is a condition characterized by an excessive inward curvature of the spine, specifically in the lower back or lumbar region. It is also commonly referred to as "swayback" or "hyperlordosis." In lordosis, the natural curve of the lower back becomes exaggerated, causing the spine to arch excessively inward.

The normal curvature of the spine includes a slight inward curve in the lower back, known as the lordotic curve. This curve helps to distribute the body's weight evenly and maintain balance. However, in cases of lordosis, this curve becomes exaggerated, leading to an increased arch in the lower back.

Kyphosis: Kyphosis is a condition characterized by an excessive forward curvature of the spine, specifically in the upper back or thoracic region. It is also commonly referred to as "hunchback" or "roundback." In kyphosis, the natural curve of the upper back becomes exaggerated, causing the spine to round forward.

The normal curvature of the spine includes a slight outward curve in the upper back, known as the kyphotic curve. This curve helps to provide stability, support the weight of the head and upper body, and protect the internal organs. However, in cases of kyphosis, this curve becomes exaggerated, leading to an increased rounding of the upper back.

Scoliosis: Scoliosis is a medical condition characterized by an abnormal sideways curvature of the spine. Instead of the spine appearing straight when viewed from the back, it may have an "S" or "C" shape. This curvature can occur in different regions of the spine, including the upper back (thoracic scoliosis), the lower back (lumbar scoliosis), or both (thoracolumbar scoliosis).

Scoliosis can develop during childhood or adolescence, known as adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, or it can be present at birth (congenital scoliosis) or develop later in life due to degenerative changes in the spine (degenerative scoliosis). The exact cause of most cases of scoliosis is unknown, but factors such as genetics, muscle imbalances, and abnormal bone development may contribute to its development.

The severity of scoliosis can vary. Mild cases may not cause any noticeable symptoms or functional limitations, while more severe cases can lead to visible asymmetry of the shoulders, hips, or waist, uneven leg lengths, back pain, muscle stiffness, and reduced mobility. In some cases, scoliosis can also affect the alignment of the ribcage, potentially impacting lung function and breathing.

How Yoga Helps with Spine Curvature Disorders

Yoga has been shown to offer significant benefits for individuals with various spine disorders, including chronic back pain, scoliosis, and herniated discs. The practice helps improve flexibility, strength, and posture while reducing pain and enhancing overall spinal health. Here are some key findings supported by scientific evidence and references:

1. Reduction in Chronic Back Pain

Evidence: Numerous studies have demonstrated that yoga can effectively reduce chronic back pain.

  • Study: Williams, K., Abildso, C., Steinberg, L., Doyle, E., Epstein, B., Smith, D., & Kelley, G. (2009). "Evaluation of the effectiveness and efficacy of Iyengar yoga therapy on chronic low back pain."
    • Journal: Spine
    • Summary: This study found that participants who practiced Iyengar yoga experienced significant reductions in pain and disability associated with chronic low back pain.

2. Improvement in Flexibility and Spinal Mobility

Evidence: Yoga improves flexibility and spinal mobility, which are essential for managing spine disorders.

  • Study: Sherman, K. J., Cherkin, D. C., Wellman, R. D., Cook, A. J., Hawkes, R. J., Delaney, K., & Deyo, R. A. (2011). "A randomized trial comparing yoga, stretching, and a self-care book for chronic low back pain."
    • Journal: Archives of Internal Medicine
    • Summary: This study found that yoga was more effective than usual care for improving function and reducing symptoms due to chronic low back pain.

3. Reduction in Scoliosis-Related Pain and Improved Posture

Evidence: Yoga can reduce scoliosis-related pain and improve posture.

  • Study: Fishman, L. M., & Saltonstall, E. (2008). "Yoga for scoliosis: A pilot study."
    • Journal: Global Advances in Health and Medicine
    • Summary: This pilot study found that yoga could reduce the curvature in patients with scoliosis and improve their posture.

4. Alleviation of Herniated Disc Symptoms

Evidence: Yoga has been found to alleviate symptoms associated with herniated discs.

  • Study: Tekur, P., Singphow, C., Nagendra, H. R., & Raghuram, N. (2008). "Effect of short-term intensive yoga program on pain, functional disability, and spinal flexibility in chronic low back pain: A randomized control study."
    • Journal: Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
    • Summary: This study found that an intensive short-term yoga program significantly reduced pain and improved spinal flexibility in individuals with chronic low back pain, including those with herniated discs.

5. Improvement in Psychological Well-being and Pain Management

Evidence: Yoga can enhance psychological well-being and help manage chronic pain through mindfulness and stress reduction.

  • Study: Groessl, E. J., Weingart, K. R., Johnson, N., & Baxi, S. (2008). "The benefits of yoga for women veterans with chronic low back pain."
    • Journal: Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
    • Summary: This study demonstrated that yoga improved psychological well-being and reduced pain in women veterans with chronic low back pain.

6. Enhancement of Core Strength and Stability

Evidence: Yoga strengthens the core muscles, which are crucial for maintaining spinal stability and health.

  • Study: Cowen, V. S., & Adams, T. B. (2005). "Physical and perceptual benefits of yoga asana practice: Results of a pilot study."
    • Journal: Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies
    • Summary: This pilot study found that yoga practice significantly improved core strength and stability, which are important for supporting the spine.

7. Reduction in Inflammation and Improvement in Spinal Health

Evidence: Yoga has anti-inflammatory effects that can benefit individuals with spine disorders.

  • Study: Innes, K. E., Selfe, T. K., & Taylor, A. G. (2008). "Menopause, the metabolic syndrome, and mind-body therapies."
    • Journal: Menopause
    • Summary: This study reviewed the anti-inflammatory effects of yoga and its potential benefits for reducing inflammation and improving spinal health.


Scientific evidence supports the benefits of yoga for various spine disorders, including chronic back pain, scoliosis, and herniated discs. These benefits include reductions in pain and disability, improvements in flexibility, spinal mobility, posture, core strength, psychological well-being, and reduction in inflammation. These studies collectively demonstrate that yoga is a valuable tool for managing and improving spinal health.

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We view yoga as a form of preventive and relief alternative. It is neither a cure-all nor a quick-fix intervention to your health or medical concerns or conditions. Our Program is not intended as a substitute for professional health or medical advice. It is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. It is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional health or medical diagnosis and treatment. If you have any health or medical concerns or conditions that warrant special attention, please seek the advice of your health or medical professional before beginning our Program.

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